What does research say about testosterone boosters?

Men who are planning to boost their libido or improve their body have to think twice before starting to use testosterone supplements. Recent research suggests that using these alternatives is not advisable as they may not have ingredients like the traditional testosterone therapy. Most of the boosters in the market may not even have the vitamins and minerals. They are just in the market to be sold but they have nothing to do with the boosting of the levels of testosterone. Most of the people fear criticizing the components in these testosterone supplements. This makes it extremely hard to define what is actually real and what is not.

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It enables male to be sexually active through sperm production. Other activities in the men’s bodies are also enhanced by the testosterone. That is why there is masculine features such as the broad shoulders, hairy chest, Adam’s apple, deep voice and bulging muscles. This happens until the age of 30 when certain changes start to come up. The testosterone levels start to go down at the age of 30 causing some changes. New signs and symptoms such as having erectile dysfunction and low libido start coming out. This is what makes a lot of men rush to the rescue of testosterone supplements in order to bring back the normal testosterone levels.

A study has been done and several articles have been published concerning testosterone boosters. They have different views but what stands out is that many men are rushing to use these boosters and the population is really increasing with time. Research suggests that zinc, fenugreek extract and vitamin B6 are the most essential components in these testosterone boosters. A lot of these supplements state that they are able increase people’s sexual drive libido or build the muscle mass. This claim by most of the testosterone boosting supplements is not true. When a research was done, only less than 25% out of all of them had data to support their claims of being able to increasing the levels of testosterone. Most of them were also containing very higher doses than the preferred limit of vitamins and minerals.

There are also people who confuse these testosterone supplements with drugs. It is very important to note that testosterone supplements are not drugs. They are not made in order to treat, diagnose or prevent any kind of diseases. They are only intended to boost the testosterone levels in the body. It would be good for governments and organizations to add more measures and regulations around these testosterone boosters in order to protect consumers from taking what they should not. It is also important to educate people so that they are able to understand about these low testosterone levels and they take appropriate professional medications for them.

Nobody will ever escape from the impacts of growing old. The best way for men to overcome the low testosterone levels is by sharing this with your doctor or nutritionist.

Are modern men supposed to be taking testosterone boosters?

Commercials are really advertising the way testosterone supplements are helping men in the age bracket between 30-57 years. Men of above 30 years who are looking fit tell you how they had lost weight before and were no longer sexually active. They say that when they started using the testosterone supplements, they started feeling more like men. But the commercials do not talk about the negative impacts that the boosters cause on our bodies such as cardiovascular problems. They do not also talk about the way the supplements are risky when exposed to female partners, children or even our pets. Some of these boosters when exposed to women may cause:

  • Menstrual interruptions
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Growth of hair on the skin

They can also lead to children having premature puberty and aggressive behaviors. If exposed to pets, they can also lead to aggression and enlargement of the genitals. The commercials term the side effects of these supplements to men as rare. The boosters may cause men to have the following problems:

  • Breathing problems during sleep
  • Low sperm production
  • High risk of prostate cancer
  • Change in the shape and size of the testicles.

If you have a problem of low testosterone levels, then you should not focus on the side effects but instead you should focus on how it will be of benefit to you. Combining them with the right diets and a good amount of exercise will be good for you. Also called hypogonadism, low testosterone levels are not a disease, they are just effects of getting to older age. Normal testosterone levels for a person may be low for another person, so they are not of the same levels in all people.

Having low testosterone levels is something inevitable. Older men mostly have testosterone levels below the normal levels of healthy young men. But sometimes low testosterone may also be a good outcome. This is actually true as there are men who intentionally go for prescriptions of drugs reduce their testosterone levels. Most of these men do this because they are being treated of prostate cancer and it is advisable to do it in this condition. Testosterone boosters are generally not bad for older men. However, they should be taken responsibly and with the prescription of a professional doctor or nutritionist so as to be of good impact to the body.