Most Common Foods Teens Should Avoid 

Young people tend to eat everything. Those between the ages 13 and 19 are worse and often ignore healthy tips and diets. Not all foods are nutritional and good.

Teens need high levels of vitamins and minerals and other important nutrients and many teens don’t get enough. However, some diets high in sugars and saturated fats, such as fried foods must be avoided. That said, here are other foods teenagers should look away from, courtesy of casinos francais.


It may taste good, and you may even feel addicted, but soda, even diet soda, is terrible for you. One bottle, which is actually two servings, not one, contains about 250 calories, most of which are from high fructose corn syrup. The diet varieties contain nasty chemicals that may cause cancer… and most dark-colored sodas are loaded with caffeine. With all those empty calories, gross chemicals, and jitters-inducing caffeine, this tops my list of foods to avoid.


Loaded with fat and sodium, along with dozens of weird preservatives, corn and potato chips are another food to avoid. They’ll destroy even the most conscientious diet, and since they’re often fried, may cause acne break-outs. Eww! If you must have chips, opt for the all-natural baked kind.

Canned Food

Check the nutrition label on that can of Spaghetti O’s or Hamburger Helper or Easy Mac and you’ll see why anything in a can or box is another food to avoid. They’re full of fat, sodium, and so many chemicals I can’t even pronounce! A good rule of thumb: if you can’t pronounce it, let alone figure out what it is, don’t eat it!

Sugary Drinks

Other sugary drinks besides soda can add a lot of sugar and calories to a teenager’s diet that aren’t necessary. It is better to eat your calories than to drink them. Popular drinks that should be limited are fruit-flavored beverages (many fruit flavored beverages are mostly sugar and artificial flavors with less than 10% juice), energy drinks and sports drinks, juices, etc. 100% juice isn’t a bad choice, but it’s better to be eating the whole fruit to get dietary fiber. Teenagers should limit juice to 8 oz a few times per week, just like limiting your gaming at real money casino USA for responsible gambling.


Caffeine is a stimulant that isn’t even a great choice for many adults, but especially shouldn’t be used for kids or teenagers. Caffeine decreases calcium absorption, and as a stimulant it can cause problems for teenagers such as sleep problems and trouble paying attention in school.

Too much coffee or tea

It isn’t a great idea for teenagers to become addicted to coffee and tea. It has caffeine, limits iron absorption, and certain sweetened types can have too much sugar, plus some coffee drinks are extremely high in calories and not doing you any favors nutritionally. If you need a sweet or energizing drink in the morning or during the day, switch to 100% orange juice or a fruit and veggie smoothie.